Kanamara festival a.k.a penis festival

kanamara festival


Kanamara festival (penis festival) in Kawasaki, Japan 2016.

Kanamara festival was held on April, 3 in 2016. I will describe a brief background of the festival and a brief report of Kanamara festival and tips to enjoy the festival.

About Kanamara festival.

Kanamara festival is held the first Sunday in April every year at Kawasaki-daishi, Kawasaki, Kanagawa. According to the event info,

The festival has been instituted to worship and deify the God of the blacksmiths since the Ero period.

Kawasaki’s ladies of the night prayed for success in business, prosperity, and to be blessed with offspring and easy and safe childbirth. Further they prayed for happy marriages, and so this festival began.

In recent years, this festival became famous internationally amongst the LGBT community as well.

Festival attendees today may pray for protection from AIDS and other STDs.

Women who are infertile may also visit the festival in hopes of being blessed with pregnancy.

We hold the festival on the first Sunday in April, around the anticipated flowering of the Cherry Blossom trees. We wish to express our gratitude for God’s gift, and to share fun and laughter. We trust that we will remain happy and prosperous all year.

Travel Guide and what to do.


The festival is held at Kanayama shrine, Kawasaki-daishi station.

Kawasaki-daishi station is on Keikyū Daishi Line. Here are some routes to get there.

From Toyko station

kanamara festival

From Yokohama station

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From Shinagawa station

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Kanamara festival is very popular event among foreign travellers and Japanese locals, so you would expect that the day of the festival, Kawasaki-daishi station is very packed. I arrived at the festival around 11:00 o’clock. The station was already full of people. The festival officially starts at 10:00 a.m and ends 4:40 p.m. The schedule is below.

  • 御火取祭 10:00 (Sacred fire)
  • 例祭  10:15 (Main ceremony)
  • 神輿御霊入れ式:10:45 (Mikoshi ‘a portable shrine which is a carriage for Gods.’)
  • 大根削り:11:00 (Shave the Radish)
  • 面掛行列:12:00 (masked-figures)
  • 奉納演芸:12:10 (Dedicatory performance)
  • 終了予定:16:30  (prospected ends)

If you arrived after the festival starts, it is very hard to get into the shrine, there are 500 meters of waiting line to get into shrine. (wait about 1 hour and half).

around 12:00 o’clock, the penis Mikoshi starts.

The pink penis is called Elizabeth mikoshi.

kanamara festival



Candies in the shape of genitals.

kanamara festival

A special feature of this event is not only the Mikoshi, but the genital shaped candies. Men, women, boys, girls, and children are sucking the genital shaped candies on this event. This is kind of surprising and interesting situation to experience in Japan.

kanamara candy

Here is some photos of people enjoying the candy.

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and kids too.



Tips to enjoy kanamara festival.

It is very hard to get those candies at the shrine, (near to the Kawasaki-daishi station) becasue there are already long line to get into the Shrine. You might expect to wait an hour. However, there is a place that those candies are sold. The map below shows that place. The right bottom, the park where the mikoshi stops and rest there, and you can get candies there. If you are late to the festival, you should go there straight unless you want to wait hours in the line outside doing nothing.


Lastly, here is the video of mikoshi near the park.

Enjoy Kanamara!!

Japanese verb forms | Learn Japanese

Japanese verb forms

Japanese verb forms

dictionary form, past, neg-forms, and stem (pre-masu form).


Leaning Japanese verb forms is one of the hardest thing in elementary learners. When I was teaching Japanese, this was a hard part. The list below shows the dictionary form, stem type, past form, negative form, and stem. I will explain how to extract the stem (pre-masu form) from the suffixes based on the table. There is a 3 types of verb stem types in Japanese: vowel-ending, consonant-ending, and irregulars. more info (wikipedia).

dictionary formstem typepast form


V + -ta

V(n/m) -da

C + -ita

negative form


V+ -nai

C + -anai

Stem (pre-masu form)
taberu “to eat”Vowel stem /tabeta/ /tabenai//tabe/
 miru “to see”Vowel stem /mita/ /minai/ /mi/
neru “to sleep”Vowel stem /neta//nenai/ /ne/
kiru “to wear”Vowel stem /kita//kinai//ki/
kaku “to write”Consonant stem /kaita//kakanai//kak/
hanasu “to talk/speak”Consonant stem/hanasita//hanasanai//hanas/
kau/kawu/ “to buy”Consonant stem/katta//kawanai//kaw/
matsu “to wait”Consonant stem/matta//matanai//mat/
yomu “to read”Consonant stem/yonda//yomanai//yom/
suru “to do”Irregular/sita/ /sinai/
iku “to go”Irregular/itta//ikanai/
kuru “to come”Irregular/kita//konai/
aru “to exist”Irregular/atta//nai/
“da” “be verb”Irregular/datta//dewanai/

In some past forms such as  “yomu (to read)” have a phonological changes, /m/ -> /n/ before past suffix /ta/ and changes to voiced /da/. In the word /kawu/(to buy), the past form /katta/, the /w/ changes to /t/ to form past tense /katta/.

These phonological changes can be observed in many languages. The phonological changes occurs to ease and smoothen the speech by shortening, deleting, changing phonemes in phonetic naturalness.

I will go over more rules in Japanese phonology in the future post.

Language learners are often required to memorize all the tense forms such as “eat”, “ate”, “eaten” as in English example. However, at least knowing the stem of verbs, it might be easier to learn the different forms in Japanese verbs such as “causatives” and everyone’s favorite “-te form”.

Hopefully, this helps you to learn and understand Japanese better.


Japanese causative form | Learn Japanese

Japanese Causative form

Japanese causative form is a bit unique since Japanese language is very context-centered  language such as subject/object deletion. In Japanese, subjects and objects are shared by the context. In, English causative forms are “made/let “, and have different meaning by different verbs. In Japanese, causative from appears in one verb form and meanings are defined by the object particles.  Causatives are one of the great example of this phenomena. In this post I will go through basic grammer and some examples of Japanese causatives; moreover, causative forms + other grammatical forms such as passives.

Basic form:  Verb(pre-masuform) + saseru

Causative : make/let ~

1.Without direct object

1) make: causer make cause do V(without causee’s will)

先生は、   学生   教えさせた。
causer     causee
The teacher made the student teach.

2) Let: causer let causee do V (with causee’s will)

先生は、 学生  教えさせた。
causer       causee
The teacher let the student do V

2.With direct object

は、     英語     教えさせました。
causer       causee   direct obj
The teacher made/let the student teach English.

In this case, the context triggers the meaning let/make such as

Taro said he want to be a English teacher in the future.
山田先生は、太郎くんに、15分間 英語を教えさせました。
Mr.Yamada(teacher Yamada) let him teach English for 15 min.

3. More causative (combined to other forms)

1) Causative-passive | V-premasu + sase (causative form) + rareru(passive form)

私は、   両親に、勉強させられました。
causee   causer
I was made to study by my parents.

You can paraphrase this

causer causee
My parents made me study.

2) causative+receiving/giving verb

received a favor of letting me study abroad

giving a favor of letting him/her go to the collage.

Learning Japanese causative form is very important to gain your Japanese skills.



About Naruto’s dream

